Sesi Ta'aruf Bersama Penulis. LOL

Assalamualaikum & Hello everyone.. :)

Thank You for spare your precious time to scroll on this blog..!

First of all,

I am a Female, 

A proud Muslim & still trying to be a better one ; everyday I live my life,  

Blessed with awesome family, amazing friends & wonderful life, 

An undergraduate student majoring in Economics and Finance, 
Insya Allah.

Was diagnosed with OCD disease few months ago.
Strongly believe that;
 it is inherited by perfectionist parents and their previous generation,
Masya Allah.

(Congratulations! You just finish your 0.001% of Daily Dzikir.)
Good job people. Keep it up! xD


Took a looooooooooooooooong time to decide whether to create this blog or not, (about 2 years) 
after lump of suggestions from my mommy naqibah and fellow friends. 
[mungkin juga kerana mereka sudah tidak tertahan lagi melihat rant aku di Facebook, Twitter & Instagram yang panjang berjela, mungkin. :'( ]
Procrastinator terhebat dunia. Proof : Successfully owned a blog, procrastinate for few months to write my first post.


Please excuse my Grammar & Language abused, I am not a Band 9 scorer in IELTS.
Please excuse my Sentences which might be very confusing sometimes.
Please excuse my Manglish (Malaysian English Slang) or in other word, "Bahasa Rojak".

How Rojak actually looks like:

Rojak Mee

Rojak Mamak


Rojak Buah Mantap belas ihsan dari Google Image

Last but I hope not the least, 

(cuz maybe the next post will be written in the next few months :p)

Negativity is not welcome here.

To be honest,
I don't get the idea of putting your diary, share your stories & thoughts to let the WHOLE WORLD read at first.
I meant, c'mon.
Why people bother to read them, anyway?

Maka, arakiannya.. terciptalah 







Bagi menjawab persoalan-persoalan yang menyesakkan dada ini.

It's good, to read what other people write, what they think, what they feel and so on. 
And I think the best part is just to scroll on the timeline. 
Silently read all of them...
Secretly Judging.
(Don't tell me you guys never do these things, tipu, dosa okay.)

Then I realized,
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions" 
(Paulo Coelho).

And they say, 
I am so lucky to be here, in United Kingdom.
Currently pursue for BA Economics in United Kingdom.
Alhamdulillah... :)

So they asked me,
Why not write up on blog about your experiences..!

the perilous journey is never easy. 
Of being a student who just enter the phase of 'adulthood'
yang masih lagi sedang mencari & mencipta identiti diri, 
and above all, a Muslim.
You are 10, 539 km away from home (approximate distance).
From your Parents.
Your Family.
Setelah 20 tahun (bukan umur sebenar) 
hidup di dalam comfort zone,

Apa khabarkah Imanku? 
Sihatkah amal ibadahku?
Sakitkah pegangan agamaku?

I stay in a town where the locals are not really being used to/exposed 
with the Muslims.

Before we came,
there's only about 37 Malaysians studying here.
and there's not so many Muslims including students from the Middle East.
So yeah, life (being a Muslim particularly)
is a bit challenging if I could compare with the students in
Greater London, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield............
the list 
goes on.. 
and on.. 
and on.......

But hey, 
as I wrote.
Negativity is not welcome here.
I have no intention to write all the 
bad things that happened.

"...When He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" - and it will Be" 

It is about how strong your acceptance
and how you coop with the all the cruddy things
that happen in your life.
"...Verily, along with every hardship is relief..."

It hasn't been that long since I arrived here.
But there's a lot of things happened to me.
Which I am grateful for.
insya Allah I will share in the next-next-next-next posts..!

[WARNING : The date/time posted does not reflect the ACTUAL time the event happened]

Thank You.

Kind Regards,

Rant 1:
Poyo gila. mentang-mentang study overseas, tulis blog pun in English weh. Tulis melayu lahhh. Bahasa Lingua Franca.

Jawapan : To be honest, im not really good expressing my thoughts in BM. (walaupun grammar n structure ayat saya tunggang langgang). dan saya amat sukakan bahasa 'Manglish'. i feel like it's an art! :D biasanya kalau article buat bm (melainkan berkaitan dgn novel cinta) mesti akan lari sikit intonasi dan maksud serta intipati yang ingin cuba disampaikan... (maafkan saya jika saudara / saudari merasakan bahawa saya sudah lupa daratan, bahasa lingua franca, bahasa asal usul ibunda saya) :(

Rant 2:
Macam dia sorang je sambung study overseas. Bajet gila nak buat blog bagai.

Jawapan : Well, depends on your perceptions. first of all, congratulations for be the silent reader and secret judge on this blog..! yeayyyyyyyy.. you nailed it! :D

Your thoughts could never be changed even I explain it. 
If you think I'm being cocky or just to show off what Allah has granted me,
It's up to you really :)
Your thoughts about others reflecting about who you really are..
