What's Up With Microwave and Oven? :O

Peace Be Upon You,

 People of the Earth, 
ISS (International Space Station), 
and Mars! :)

Clearly I wrote in the description:

"No, this is neither a cooking site nor a recipe's blog"

Microwave And Oven
So, how did I found this very 'unique' yet confusing name at the same time ?
Well, perhaps one fine day, I will.
If and only if I have a will to share a recipe here. 
(read : mungkin)

Selain daripada menggunakan resepi-resepi rahsia 
Mama, Nenek & Mak Cik yang rata-rata mempunyai 
high-taste in foods or so-what-it-call-as 'Lidah Kelantan'
perbincangan bersama delegasi rakan-rakan dari 
sepelosok Malaysia, terutamanya dari Utara, Selatan, 
Pantai Timur, dan Pulau Borneo sana,
Syeikh Google dan Chef Youtube 
juga menjadi sumber utama dalam 
proses pembelajaran ini..


Why bother to share the things that I've got from the internet too..?
He.. He.. He.. He.. =p

True story, Ya Akhi wal Ukhti:'(

So, let's get back to the MAIN point of this entry:

Why is it Microwave and Oven?

What is it Microwave and Oven?

When is it Microwave and Oven?

Where is it Microwave and Oven?

Who is it Microwave and Oven?

Which is it Microwave and Oven?

How is it Microwave and Oven?



Story Time: 

Once upon a time, there was a little (but fat) girl, name A.
Being someone who really obsessed with
Double Egg Sandwich from Dunkin Donuts
and someone who really appreciated
Science & Technology,
(LOL- Takda kena-mengena sebenarnya,)

At the age of 13,
She learnt how to make
Omelette / Scramble Eggs by using the Microwave!

When this story accidentally exposed,
all her classmates
laughed at her.

"How can you make eggs using the microwave?"
"Eeeeee..... Sedap ke?"
"A si Microwave Lady"
"Nanti dia kahwin hari-hari dia masak pakai Microwave,kesian Husband dia"

And the story became viral, up till their teachers know about this.
It's very humiliating,
poor A......=/
And paling lejen, they still mocking on A even years has passed..
Yes, up till now.

And zillion thanks to Physics Subject,
all her classmates would laugh at her whenever they learnt
negative impact of Microwave on humans.

God Bless you, Physics.

And until today,
A is still praying and hoping
that Apple Inc will invent a portable Microwave,
and they can call it as iMicrowave 
(Some weird things A said back in 2010 to dismiss the argument)

Things change.
A is currently strive hard
to have a good job,
So that she can run a business,
one fine day, insya Allah.

Hopefully a cafe / bakery.
With an urban and contemporary theme
mix up with Library and Laundry.


She is a freakin bibliophile who loves to bake.
She might ask from her landlord
to have an oven in her room next term, you know...
and to her,
the laundry smell is the best fragrant in the world.

So, yeah..
Her majestic cooking skills using a Microwave and
her current obsession on oven has lead to this blog's name; Microwave and Oven.

..the end of #MicrowaveAndOven historical name..

The history To Be Continued on the next post.

Wabillahitaufiqwalhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

